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Simple cybersecurity guide for non-geeks in 2024

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be complicated! A few straightforward practices will go a long way to keep your digital life secure. Here’s a condensed, jargon-free guide to help minimise the chances of running afoul of cyber criminals and other online nasties!

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Keep software current to stay ahead on cybersecurity

Software updates may seem tedious, arriving at the most inconvenient times and potentially causing disruptions to your device’s performance. But, these updates are not merely for introducing new features or improving user interface. A substantial part of these updates involves enhancing the security of your devices and fixing vulnerabilities that might have been identified since the last update.

Understanding software updates

Software updates, sometimes referred to as ‘patches’, are released by software developers to address issues or enhance functionality within their programs. Among these improvements are often fixes for ‘bugs’ or vulnerabilities in the system, which if left unaddressed, could potentially be exploited by hackers. These security loopholes can range from minor issues, having little impact on the user, to major vulnerabilities, which if leveraged, can lead to massive data breaches.

Why are updates essential?

Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their methods, looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit in widely used software. When these vulnerabilities are identified by the software companies, they develop a fix or patch to eliminate the weak spot and release it as a part of a software update.

If users do not apply these updates, they are effectively leaving the door open for cybercriminals. Running outdated software is akin to leaving your front door unlocked – it makes it easier for an intruder to enter.

Risks of not updating

Outdated software not only makes your devices an easier target but also increases the potential damage if a breach occurs. Cyber attacks can result in loss of personal data, financial damage, and in the case of smart home devices, potential physical security risks. It’s important to consider the updates as your first line of defense against these threats.

Update all your devices

The importance of software updates extends across all devices you use. This includes not just your computer, but also smartphones, tablets, smart home devices, and even seemingly ‘non-smart’ devices that connect to the internet. Remember, cybercriminals can potentially exploit any device connected to the internet.

Keep up with updates

One simple strategy to keep your software up to date is to enable automatic updates. Most devices and software offer this feature in the settings menu, allowing updates to be installed as soon as they’re released, often overnight when the device is not in use.

If automatic updates aren’t an option, consider setting a regular schedule to manually check for and install updates. This habit can greatly enhance the security of your devices.

Strong passwords are essential for good cybersecurity

Use strong, unique passwords

Passwords are your first line of defense against cyber threats. Just as you wouldn’t use a flimsy lock for your front door, you shouldn’t compromise when it comes to your digital passwords. They may seem like just a string of characters, but they form the primary barrier between your personal information and potential cybercriminals. This article highlights the importance of using strong, unique passwords and introduces password managers as a key tool in managing these digital keys.

The strength of your password matters

Consider passwords as the digital equivalent of your home’s lock. The stronger and more complex it is, the harder it will be for a burglar to break in. The same principle applies to your digital security. A strong password, comprising a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, is not easy to guess and much harder for hacking tools to crack.

Simple and commonly used passwords are incredibly easy for hackers to guess. Passwords like ‘123456’, ‘password’, or ‘admin’ are equivalent to leaving your digital front door wide open. Hence, it’s vital to use complex and unpredictable passwords for every online account.

The risk of password duplication

Using the same password across multiple platforms is another common mistake. While it might be easier to remember, if a cybercriminal cracks that one password, they have the keys to all your online accounts. This is known as a ‘domino effect’ and can lead to a disastrous breach of your digital privacy and security.

The role of password managers

Remembering multiple complex passwords for different accounts can seem like an impossible task. This is where password managers come into play. These are secure applications that store all your passwords in an encrypted format. You only need to remember one master password to access your password vault, and the password manager does the rest.

Password managers can also generate strong, random passwords for you, eliminating the risk of creating predictable or weak passwords. They are designed with strong encryption algorithms to ensure your passwords are stored safely.

We use this!
Bitwarden - a trustworthy password manager

Bitwarden is a slightly less well-known password manager. That doesn't mean it's any less good. With no known major security breaches (at the time of writing this), an excellent free plan (with features that most other password managers charge you for) and great paid updates, we highly recommend checking out Bitwarden if you need a password manager to take care of your passwords.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Double down on cybersecurity: The role of two-factor authentication

While strong and unique passwords provide a solid first line of defense, they aren’t impenetrable. Here is where two-factor authentication (2FA) steps in. This article delves into the importance of enabling 2FA and how it provides an additional layer of security for your digital life.

Understanding two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication, also known as 2FA, is a cybersecurity protocol that requires two forms of verification before allowing access to an account. It’s akin to a second lock on your door, providing an extra layer of protection even if the first one is broken.

Typically, the first factor in 2FA is something you know (your password), and the second factor is either something you have (like a unique code sent to your mobile device) or something you are (such as a fingerprint or face scan).

Why is two-factor authentication important?

The main purpose of 2FA is to make it harder for potential intruders to gain unauthorized access to your accounts, even if they have managed to crack your password. Without the second factor, they would still be locked out.

Imagine a hacker manages to guess or steal your password. If you’ve enabled 2FA, they’ll be prompted for a second verification step. Unless they have access to your phone to receive a unique code, or to your fingerprint or face scan, they’re still locked out.

Enabling two-factor authentication

Most online platforms today offer 2FA as an option. It’s usually found in the settings under security or privacy. While it may take an extra moment to log in to your accounts, the additional security is worth the time.

The second factor in 2FA varies depending on the platform. Some send a unique code to your email or mobile device. Others might use biometric data, such as a fingerprint scan or face recognition, especially on smartphones. There are also dedicated 2FA apps like Google Authenticator or Authy that generate timed codes.

Two-factor authentication: A small step, a big leap in security

Even with 2FA enabled, it’s crucial to continue practicing other security measures, such as regularly updating your software and using strong, unique passwords. No single security measure is foolproof, and each one adds another layer of protection against potential threats.

Stay safe on public Wi-Fi

From coffee shops to airports and libraries, public Wi-Fi networks have become ubiquitous. They offer a convenient way to stay connected on the go. But while these networks provide a great service, they also come with significant security risks. This article will delve into why public Wi-Fi can be risky and how you can protect your data when using these networks.

Understanding the risks of public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks are usually unencrypted, which means that the data you send and receive over the network isn’t secure. Hackers can easily intercept this data, gaining access to sensitive information like passwords, emails, and credit card numbers. This is often done through a method known as “Man-in-the-Middle” attacks, where the attacker positions themselves between the user and the connection point.

Furthermore, cybercriminals often set up rogue Wi-Fi hotspots that mimic legitimate networks. Unsuspecting users might connect to these networks, giving the attacker direct access to their device and data.

How to safeguard your data

Despite these risks, there are steps you can take to protect your data when using public Wi-Fi:

  1. Limit your activity: Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as your bank accounts or any other financial or personal data, while connected to a public network.
  2. Use HTTPS: When browsing, check for ‘https’ at the beginning of the web address. This indicates that the site uses encryption to secure the data transferred between your device and the site.
  3. Turn off sharing: On a public network, disable file sharing options and make sure your firewall is active.

The role of a VPN

One of the most effective ways to ensure your online activities remain private is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts the data leaving your device until it reaches its destination. Even if someone intercepts your data, all they would see is encrypted information.

VPNs work by creating a secure, encrypted tunnel between your device and the VPN server. They also mask your IP address, adding an extra layer of privacy. Today, there are many VPN services available, with options to fit different needs and budgets.

Smart homes, secure homes: Protect internet-connected devices

Smart home devices, from thermostats to security cameras, bring convenience and efficiency to our lives. But, as with any technology that connects to the internet, they also carry security risks.

Hackers can potentially exploit vulnerabilities in these devices, gaining unauthorized access to your home network and data. This article will guide you through crucial steps to secure your smart home devices.

Risks of smart home devices

Every smart device in your home represents a potential entry point for cybercriminals. By hacking into a weakly protected device, they can infiltrate your home network and compromise your privacy and security. For example, a hacked security camera could provide a live feed of your home to an intruder, while a compromised smart speaker could listen in on your conversations.

Manufacturers often release software updates that patch security vulnerabilities and improve functionality. Regularly updating your devices ensures they have the latest protections against potential threats. Where possible, enable automatic updates to maintain the most up-to-date security.

Beware of phishing

Phishing scams deceive users into voluntarily providing sensitive information, often by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. This article aims to educate readers about phishing scams, their implications, and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Unpacking phishing scams

Phishing scams typically come in the form of an email, text message, or phone call that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank, social media platform, or reputable company. The scammer tricks the user into divulging sensitive information like usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers, under various pretexts.

For example, a phishing email might alert you to a security breach in your bank account, urging you to confirm your credentials, or warn you about a parcel delivery failure, asking for personal data to resolve the issue.

The dangers of phishing

The consequences of falling victim to a phishing scam can be severe. If scammers gain access to your sensitive data, they could potentially drain your bank account, make fraudulent purchases, steal your identity, or even compromise your entire digital life.

How to protect yourself from phishing scams

There are several ways to arm yourself against phishing attempts:

  1. Scrutinize unsolicited communication: Be wary of unexpected emails, text messages, or calls that ask for personal information. Legitimate organizations usually do not request sensitive data via these channels.
  2. Check for email red flags: Phishing emails often have misspellings, poor grammar, or unofficial email addresses. The tone may be urgent, pressuring you to act quickly.
  3. Hover over links: Without clicking, hover over any hyperlinks in emails. This action will reveal the actual URL. If it doesn’t match the text or seems unrelated to the supposed sender, it’s likely a scam.
  4. Be cautious with attachments: Be wary of unsolicited emails with attachments, as they can contain malware. Only open attachments from trusted sources.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Using 2FA on your accounts provides an extra layer of security, making it more challenging for phishers even if they obtain your username and password.
  6. Report suspicious activity: If you come across a potential phishing scam, report it to your email provider and the supposed sender. This action helps protect others from the same scam.

A safety net for your digital life: Keep regular backups

Data is one of the most valuable assets. From precious photos and personal documents to work files and financial information, losing such data can be devastating. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your digital life is to regularly back up your data. This article will walk you through why data backup is so crucial and how you can do it effectively.

Understanding the value of backups

A backup is essentially a copy of your data stored in a secondary location. In the event of a cyber attack, device loss, or even just accidental deletion, having a backup means you won’t lose everything. It’s the digital equivalent of an insurance policy for your valuable data.

Without regular backups, you risk losing everything stored on your device in an instant. This loss can stem from various incidents such as hardware failure, theft, natural disaster, or a ransomware attack, where cybercriminals encrypt your data and demand payment to unlock it.

How to back up your data

External drives: External hard drives or USB drives can be used to store copies of your files. The benefit of this method is that your data remains physically close to you. However, these drives can also be lost, damaged, or stolen, so they shouldn’t be your only backup.

Cloud services: Cloud backup services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Apple’s iCloud offer a more robust solution. They automatically sync your files to the cloud, allowing you to access them from any device with an internet connection. They also have high levels of redundancy, meaning your data is stored in multiple locations for added security.

While backing up your data is a crucial step, it’s equally important to ensure your backups are secure. If you’re using a cloud service, this means protecting your account with strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA).

Remember, the goal is to keep your data out of the wrong hands, even when it’s backed up.

Check this guide!
How to back up your digital life

The importance of regularly backing up data cannot be understated. From family photos and personal documents to important work files, our lives are increasingly stored in digital form.

But, despite its importance, data backup often remains a misunderstood and neglected practice for many.

With the 3-2-1 rule, you can protect your data against a wide variety of threats, from hardware failure to natural disasters.

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Your digital bodyguard: Use antivirus software

woman in black shirt using laptop computer

Cyber threats come in various forms, each with its unique way of compromising your digital safety.

Viruses and worms can corrupt your data or degrade your device’s performance. Spyware can monitor your activities, stealing sensitive information such as passwords or credit card numbers. Ransomware can lock you out of your system, holding your data hostage until a ransom is paid.

Given these threats, it’s clear that some form of protection is necessary. That’s where antivirus software comes in.

The role of antivirus software

Antivirus software acts as a digital bodyguard for your device. It monitors for any malicious activity, scrutinizes suspicious files, and blocks or removes threats before they can cause harm. It’s your first line of defense against many of the threats that lurk in the digital landscape.

Modern antivirus software doesn’t just protect against viruses. It also guards against a range of malware, including spyware, ransomware, and phishing attacks. Some even come with features such as firewalls or parental controls, offering a more comprehensive security solution.

Keeping your antivirus software up to date

However, it’s not enough just to install antivirus software and forget about it. Cyber threats are continually evolving, with new strains of malware appearing regularly. To combat these emerging threats, antivirus software must be kept up to date.

Manufacturers regularly release updates that equip the antivirus software with the tools it needs to tackle the latest threats. These updates can include new virus definitions, improved detection techniques, or fixes for any software vulnerabilities. By ensuring your antivirus software is updated, you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Guard your digital gates: Understand and manage app permissions

Apps often request access to various data and features on our devices – a concept known as app permissions. While some of these permissions are necessary for the app to function correctly, others might be superfluous, encroaching on your privacy. This article will explore the importance of reviewing and managing app permissions.

The scope of app permissions

From accessing your camera or microphone to reading your contacts or location, apps can request a wide range of permissions. Sometimes these permissions are essential; for instance, a navigation app needs your location to provide directions. However, not all apps require broad access to function, and some might ask for more permissions than necessary.

Unchecked app permissions can lead to privacy risks. For instance, an app with access to your contacts could potentially share this information with advertisers. Similarly, an app that can access your microphone could theoretically listen in on your conversations.

Reviewing and managing app permissions

Here’s how you can maintain control over your app permissions:

  1. Understand before you install: Before downloading an app, understand what permissions it requests and why. If an app asks for access that doesn’t align with its purpose, consider it a red flag.
  2. Regular reviews: Regularly review the permissions for each app on your device. Both Android and iOS offer ways to view and manage app permissions through their settings.
  3. Restrict unnecessary permissions: If you find an app with permissions it doesn’t need, restrict them. You can usually do this through the settings on your device.
  4. Update your apps: App updates often include security patches and might also reduce the permissions the app requires.

The digital vault: Encrypt your data for enhanced security

Encryption provides an added layer of protection for your sensitive data, turning it into an unreadable code that can only be deciphered with the correct key.

What is encryption and why is it important?

Encryption, at its core, is a method of disguising data so that only authorized parties can understand it. It transforms readable data, known as plaintext, into an encoded version, called ciphertext. This process requires a key, and only with this key can the ciphertext be converted back to its original form.

This mechanism is vital for protecting sensitive information from being accessed by cybercriminals or prying eyes. Even if an unauthorized party manages to intercept the data, without the correct key, they will see nothing but gibberish.

Implementing encryption in your digital life

While the concept of encryption may seem complex, applying it to your everyday technology use is surprisingly straightforward:

  1. Device encryption: Most modern smartphones, computers, and tablets have built-in encryption capabilities. For example, iPhones automatically encrypt data when you set a passcode, while Android devices usually have an encryption option in the security settings. For computers, both Windows and Mac provide built-in encryption tools, namely BitLocker and FileVault, respectively.
  2. Encrypted communication: For sensitive conversations, consider using communication apps that offer end-to-end encryption, like Signal or WhatsApp. This encryption ensures that only you and the person you’re communicating with can read the messages.
  3. VPNs: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts the connection between your device and the internet, protecting your data from potential eavesdroppers, especially on unsecured public Wi-Fi networks.
  4. Encrypted cloud storage: When using cloud storage services, opt for providers that offer encryption, like Google Drive or Dropbox. However, always remember to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.


Navigating the digital world can often feel like walking a tightrope. But, with the right precautions it’s not only manageable… It’s empowering!

Think about it: by staying on top of updates and creating strong, unique passwords, you’re taking active steps to keep your personal information safe. It’s not rocket science, it’s just smart web-surfing.

Enabling two-factor authentication adds another layer of security, while being careful on public Wi-Fi networks is a simple way to protect your data.

Similarly, securing your smart home devices and staying sharp against phishing scams can significantly reduce your vulnerability. Regularly backing up your data is like having a safety net—yes, things can go wrong, but you’ve got a plan.

With updated antivirus software and smart management of your app permissions, you’re staying one step ahead. And through data encryption, you’re putting your information in a virtual safe.

Cybersecurity and keeping your digital information is not about fear, It’s about feeling confident and secure in your digital life! Remember, you’re not just a bystander. Putting in place a few simple cybersecurity habit places you in control.

This FREE AI trick fixes YouTube captions in seconds


YouTube doesn’t add punctuation to autogenerated video captions. So, whenever I publish a video, I used to end up spending 15-20 minutes just adding full stops and commas.

This bugs me… With all the advanced tools out there, like ChatGPT, how hard could it be to generate the punctuation in the first place?

Speaking of which: Did you know, you can use ChatGPT to add punctuation to YouTube’s automatic captions? 😅

To see it in action, watch our latest video below, of keep scrolling for a written step-by-step guide.

How to fix up your YouTube captions using ChatGPT

  • In YouTube Studio, go to your video, then hit the Subtitles tab. You’ll see an entry for the automatic subtitles YouTube has made for you.
  • Select Duplicate and Edit to make a copy of the original subtitles.
  • Copy these automatic captions, then switch to ChatGPT.
  • Instruct ChatGPT to proofread your YouTube transcript and to add punctuation. The prompt can be something like, You are a proofreader. Add punctuation to the following text:
  • Paste in the automatic captions and hit enter.
  • Copy the now neatly punctuated text from ChatGPT and head back to YouTube.
  • Paste the improved text into the subtitle track, ensure it updates properly, and then hit ‘Publish’.
  • To save a bit more time, you can also get ChatGPT to generate a video title, description and tags based on the subtitles.

Using ChatGPT to punctuate your captioning is incredibly straightforward, and once again I can’t for the life of me understand why YouTube doesn’t just add punctuation in the first place… Until then, yay for ChatGPT!

Master your SharePoint news feed with category filters

Managing a SharePoint site can sometimes get a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to organizing the influx of news posts. As your site grows, you may want to filter and categorize news posts to ensure that relevant information gets the prominence it deserves and reaches the right audience.

In this post, we will introduce you to a simple, step-by-step process for filtering and displaying SharePoint news posts by category. This way, you can set up news feeds on your site(s) to display specific types of news posts in specific locations.

We’ve included a step-by-step guide below… Or you can just watch this video tutorial on how to categorise SharePoint news posts

Why Use Categories for SharePoint News Posts?

Categorizing news posts in SharePoint offers several benefits for site managers and visitors alike:

  1. Improved organization: By categorizing news posts, you can keep your site clean and well-organized, making it easier for users to find relevant information.
  2. Enhanced user experience: Filtering news posts by category helps users quickly locate the content they are interested in without having to sift through a cluttered news feed.
  3. Efficient communication: By tagging news posts with specific categories, you can ensure that important updates reach their target audience, enhancing the flow of information within your organization.

How to Filter SharePoint News Posts by Category

Follow these steps to filter SharePoint news posts by category. In this example, we are setting up a news feed that will display management updates only.

  1. Access Site Contents:
    • Locate the cogwheel/gear icon in the top right corner and click on it.
    • Click on “Site Contents” and navigate to “Site Pages.”
  2. Create a new column:
    • Click on “Add Column” and choose “Choice” for more flexibility.
    • Name your column “news category” and add your desired choice, such as “management update.”
    • Save the column.
  3. Tag news items with the new category:
    • Choose the news posts you want to tag as “management updates.”
    • Click on “Properties” and add the “management update” category to the selected news posts.
    • Publish the tagged news posts.
  4. Edit the news web part:
    • Return to the site home page and enter edit mode.
    • Update the news feed title to “management updates.”
    • Click the pencil button to configure the news web part.
  5. Filter news posts by category:
    • Change the news source to display only news from the current site.
    • Navigate to “Filters” and choose “Page properties.”
    • Select “news category” as the property.
    • Set the filter to display news posts with the category “management update.”
    • Republish the page to display the filtered news posts.
  6. Add new news posts with the category:
    • Click “+New” and select “news post.”
    • Choose a blank template and create your news post.
    • Click on “Page details” and set the “news category” to “management update.”
    • Publish the news post.
  7. Edit or remove the category from news posts:
    • To change or remove the category, click “Edit” on the news post.
    • Navigate to “Page details” and update or clear the “news category.”
    • Update and publish the news post.

Now your SharePoint news feed will display only news posts tagged with the “management update” category.

Make impressive POV walking videos – a comprehensive guide (2024)

Point of view (POV) walking videos are becoming more and more popular as a way for people to explore both famous and unknown places. These videos help connect viewers with new locations and nature experiences from the comfort of their own homes through a first-person perspective of walking or hiking. Done well, POV videos give viewers the sensation of being there themselves.

This guide will give you all the information you need to make great POV walking videos, including how to plan, shoot and edit your videos, as well as tips and techniques to stand out from the crowd.

1. Essential gear and equipment for capturing stunning POV walking videos

In creating impressive POV videos, having the right gear and will make a tremendous difference. But, it doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, you probably already have the gear you need to get started.

The camera you choose will play a significant role in the quality of your footage. Aside from picture and sound quality, stabilisation is arguably the most important trick to making good POV walking videos.

Mirrorless cameras

Mirrorless camera can produce fantastic POV walking videos thanks to their large sensors. Having this kind of camera will really set your videos apart, especially if you film in low-light conditions or at night. These cameras offer amazing image quality and lots of settings to capture stunning video quality. You can also attach an external microphone to get top-notch audio.

The drawback is that mirrorless DSLR cameras are big and heavy, so they are not very practical for long walks. Plus, you will need additional equipment, including a large and potentially very expensive gimbal to get good stabilisation. So while this kind of gear will give you the best possible quality, it’s worth looking at other options if you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars up front.

If you go with a mirrorless camera, also get a good wide-angle lens. A focal length between 10-24mm is ideal for capturing expansive scenery and landscapes and will give your viewers a more immersive experience.

Action cameras

Action cameras are a great way to film POV walking videos

Action cameras, such as GoPro Hero 11 or DJI Osmo Action 3, are great alternatives for making POV walking videos because of their compact size, wide-angle lenses, and ruggedness. These cameras withstand the elements well and are perfect for capturing ultra-wide-angle shots.

While small, action cameras pack a massively big punch in terms of image stabilisation. You can forget about gimbals… Recent action cameras will capture super-stable footage even if you’re running at full speed with your camera.

Another great thing about using an action camera for POV walks is that you can mount the camera to yourself and free up your hands… All you’ll need is a mount that allows you to secure your camera to your body or backpack. Popular options include:

  • Head mount: Placing the camera on your forehead or temple with a head mount provides an elevated viewpoint and records a fairly accurate reflection of your visual field. But be prepared for eye rolls and “bl**dy influencer” comments as you walk around with your camera stuck to your head.
  • Chest mount: This harness-like device will hold the camera secure to your chest. While arguably the most secure option, chest mounts don’t exactly make you look good.
  • Clips: Far less noticeable, a good action camera clip allows you to attach your camera to the shoulder strap of your backpack. This is a versatile option as it lets you adjust your camera position to suit the situation. And as a bonus, you will be far more inconspicuous while walking around and filming.
Need gear?
Check our review of the GoPro Hero 11 Black for POV walking video

We've tested the GoPro Hero 11 Black to see how this small yet powerful action camera holds up for creating point-of-view (POV) walking videos.

This review is all about seeing if this camera lives up to its promise, and how well it works for filming walking videos. We'll dig deep into its key features, video quality, and even recommend some accessories and settings to make sure your videos come out top-notch.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Smartphones – great for beginners

A smartphone is a great beginner option for filming POV walking videos. Provided you already have one, you can essentially get started for free! And they can produce amazing video quality, especially if lighting conditions are decent.

Personally, I’ve made multiple videos with my trusty iPhone 11 (not even the pro model). I had some minor issues with HDR glitches (apparently a common problem with iPhone 11), but aside from this, I couldn’t really fault the footage it produced.

While newer phones, including the iPhone 14 Pro, have incredible stabilisation, they cost a lot of money. If you have an older smartphone, I’d recommend picking up an inexpensive smartphone gimbal rather than upgrading to the latest and greatest.

2. The importance of planning your POV walking and hiking videos

The first step in planning your POV video is scouting a location or area that will captivate your audience. Look for visually interesting places with a variety of terrains, unique features, or impressive landmarks.

Research popular trails or scenic routes in your region, or venture off the beaten path to explore lesser-known locations for a more exclusive experience. Remember, your location will set the tone for your entire video, so choose wisely.

Plan your route

Once you’ve settled on a location, you’ll need to plan your route. If you’re hiking, consider the length and difficulty of the trail, bearing in mind your physical capabilities and the time required to complete it. And if you’re doing a city walk, consider things like timing to avoid massive crowds of people, which will make it hard for your audience to actually experience the scenery.

Either way, plan your route to include points of interest and scenic viewpoints that will keep your viewers engaged and eager for more. If practicable, consider walking your route twice. That way, can scout out the points of interest and really plan your route before filming.

Mind the weather

The weather can make or break your video, so it’s crucial to monitor the forecast leading up to your shoot. Overcast days offer more consistent lighting, while sunny days provide dynamic shadows and contrast that can enhance your footage. Be prepared to adapt your shooting schedule if the weather takes an unexpected turn, and always have a backup plan in case of rain or other unfavourable conditions.

Timing is everything

The time of day can significantly impact the lighting and overall mood of your video. Consider shooting during the golden hour, the period just after sunrise or before sunset, when the sun casts a warm, inviting glow on the landscape. This time of day can truly elevate your footage and set it apart from the rest. Unless you’re on a fairly high latitude (think more than 45 degrees north or south), try to avoid filming in the middle of the day if the sun is out, as the light will be very harsh and unflattering.

3. POV shooting techniques

Making exceptional POV walking videos is not just about having the right gear and equipment. Good shooting technique is essential to create a captivating and immersive experience for your viewers.

Framing and composition

The way you frame your shots can make a significant impact on the overall aesthetic of your video. If you plan to mount your camera on your body or backpack, aim to recreate the view you get by using your own eyes. Place the camera along the centre line of your body if possible and keep the horizon approximately in the middle of the shot.

If you’re going handheld, you have more freedom to frame and compose your footage depending on the scene. In that case, the most basic concept to keep in mind is the rule of thirds. This fundamental composition technique involves dividing the video frame into an imaginary 3×3 grid and then positioning key elements of your scene along these lines of thirds – or, even better, at their intersections. This creates balance and visual interest in your shots.

Example of a 3×3 grid to help you compose your shots

Also, consider using leading lines and natural frames to draw your viewer’s eye into the scene and guide their gaze through the frame.

Learn more
7 tricks to take better photos with any camera

Composing visually interesting and appealing photos (and video shots!) takes a lot of practice. But keep going and soon it will be second nature.

For a bit of help getting started, check out this article for 7 great tricks to take better photos (many of these tips apply to video too) with any camera.

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Camera movements add interest and variety

Incorporating various camera movements can make your videos more dynamic and engaging.

  • Panning: Slowly move your camera horizontally from one side to the other, revealing a new scene or landscape. This movement can create a sense of depth and scale in your footage.
  • Tilting: Gently tilt your camera up or down to showcase the terrain or reveal a point of interest, such as a mountain peak or a river below.
  • Tracking: Move alongside your subject, maintaining a consistent distance and angle. This technique can help to create a connection between your viewer and the subject, whether it’s a fellow hiker or an animal crossing your path.

Key to any camera movement in POV walking videos is to move slow. Tilt or pan too fast and your audience will start feeling disoriented and uncomfortable. Take. It. Slow.

Pacing keeps your viewers engaged

Maintaining a captivating pace in your video is key to keeping your viewer engaged. You can accomplish this by changing up your walking speed and stopping in one place to take in the sights if you find yourself in a place with a lot of eye-catching visuals.

Also, remember to look at small and interesting details. If you spot an interesting object or detail, walk up to it and film it so that your audience can also get an up-close look.

4. Editing tips for POV walking videos

While POV videos rarely require much editing, spending a bit of time on polishing and finessing will help your final product come to life.


POV videos are normally more or less uncut. But I highly recommend running your footage through an editing software to cut out less interesting parts of your walk, tinker with colours and light, and tweaking your audio to make sure it sounds good.

For bonus points, grab some highlight shots and edit them into a quick intro, showing your viewers all the amazing places they’ll see in your video.

Text and graphics

While editing, include text and graphics in your video when required to provide context and important information. But do it sparingly. I normally try to show the name of a location or trail, and occasionally other information such as distance traveled, weather, time of day and factoids about a particular location or feature. Ensure the font and style of your text align with the overall aesthetic of your video. Graphics, such as maps or icons, can also enhance your video and provide additional information about your journey.


POV walking and hiking videos are increasingly popular for sharing an experience or location with audiences around the world. I hope this guide has helped you with some useful tips and tricks to get you started making POV videos. Now, grab your gear and hit the great outdoors. And let us know in the comments if you’ve made an awesome POV video that you’d like to share.

Need gear?
Check our review of the GoPro Hero 11 Black for POV walking video

We've tested the GoPro Hero 11 Black to see how this small yet powerful action camera holds up for creating point-of-view (POV) walking videos.

This review is all about seeing if this camera lives up to its promise, and how well it works for filming walking videos. We'll dig deep into its key features, video quality, and even recommend some accessories and settings to make sure your videos come out top-notch.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

11 tools every great freelance writing business needs – complete guide (2024)


Yours truly (hello, Marius here!) has been a freelance writer for years and right now I’m going to share with you 11 tools that will help you with everything from tracking gigs and clients and getting paid, through to brainstorming, drafting and polishing your texts.

Heads up! We may earn a commission for any products or services purchased via links in this post. The money we make through these links helps keep the lights on and the wheels turning. Thanks for supporting us!

Freelance writing business tools

NOTION – the everything app (Seriously!)

Notion is possibly the ultimate tool to help run your freelance writing business

This is going to sound like I’m fangirling… And I am! Except that I’m male, so I’m probably fanboying actually. Anyways, here goes:

Notion has made such a huge difference to both my professional and personal lives. It’s helped me run my freelance business, manage publishing workflows for my websites and YouTube channels, keep home renovations on track, plan an international move, sell stuff on Ebay, write books… No, seriously! It’s. That. Good!

And it’s free!

Notion lets you build databases from scratch. But it doesn’t feel like you’re building databases. You’re building things like project planners, wikis, shopping lists by typing in a few things like /table or /timeline, and then magic happens.

There’s a learning curve with Notion. A rather steep one, in fact. But if you’ve ever worked with any sort of database, Atlassian tools like Jira and Confluence, or Microsoft Planner, then you’ll be right at home in Notion. And if you haven’t there are tonnes of YouTube tutorials to help you get started.

Did I mention Notion is really good? And free?

Yep, it’s free! Well, at least as long as you’re not after fancy features like 100 guest collaborators (you can work with 10 collaborators on the free plan), unlimited file size uploads (free plan limit is 5 megabytes per file) and syncing with lots of other tools like Jira, GitHub and Asana (you can sync with one external database for free).

If you’re after the fancy features, plans start from US$8 per user per month.

Here’s the portfolio view of my Notion for running my freelance business. Notice the other views across the top, like the kanban (which show me where every article is in the production line), the work in hand view (which shows me how much all the jobs I have lined up are worth) and the timeline (which shows me when I’m supposed to work on what).

CLOCKIFY – keep track of time

I’m horrendous at time management. I’ll spend hours procrastinating before I start working, and I only start working when I have exactly enough time left before a deadline that there’s lots of pressure on me to get this thing done.

So, I’m using Clockify to keep me on track.

Clockify is a timekeeping app that will track every minute of work you do on your projects. Just pop over to Clockify.me to get started.

Using Clockify, you can set up clients, projects and task. Once you’ve done that, just hit the play button to start tracking your time and let Clockify know which task you’re working on. It’s smart enough that you can skip between the Clockify browser app and smartphone app while time tracking. It’s all the same.

All of the time you’ve worked is added to a calendar, and you can compile reports by projects and clients to see how much time you have spent on a particular job and how much time is left in your estimate.

Clockify is almost too good for a freemium service. Unless you’re managing a team of freelancers, most of you will never need to move to a paid plan (which start at US$4 per user per month, by the way).

STRIPE – get paid!

Best known as a payment processor, Stripe lets online (and offline) merchants accept payment from customers in for example online shops. Mostly anyone who has ever run an ecommerce site with the help of WordPress/WooCommerce or Shopify lately will have bumped into Stripe at some point in time.

One less known feature about Stripe – which I only realised a couple of months ago, when I had to change invoicing services again – is that Stripe also does invoices. And estimates! And, unlike most invoicing apps out there, you only pay for what you use.

This is super handy for freelance writers. Especially if you don’t issue way too many invoices per month.

Stripe allows you to send estimates to your customers right out of the system backend. It works pretty much all the same as every other invoicing software out there. The difference is, you can send as many estimates and invoices as you like. But you only ever pay a fee for any invoices that get paid. (Which, you would hope, is every single invoice that you send out.) There is no fixed monthly fee. Which is great for small businesses.

When you invoice customers, Stripe will simply take a very small cut of the money they pay you. On the starter plan, which gives you invoices, analytics and a personalised customer portal, you get charged 0.4% of the invoice amount (this may vary depending on which country you’re in).

The next step up is the plus package, which adds a further 0.1% to your fee – 0.5% in total – which enables quotes and estimates, auto-reconciliation (at least for US customers) and helps automate payment collection with smart retries and email reminders.

Considering most invoicing services start at a US$10 fixed monthly fee, Stripe is a great option for you – especially if you sell for less than US$2000 per month.

Tools to help your creative freelance writing process

WHIMSICAL – mindmapping, whiteboarding and more

This one is just that… Whimsical! A brainstorming, mindmapping, outlining, project management, drawing, flowcharting tool – all in one.

Once I’ve landed a freelance writing gig, this is the first tool I use in my writing process. The mindmapping functionality of Whimsical is fantastic for brainstorming text outlines, make research notes, and reference any sources I need to come back to later in my writing process.

Whimsical is a freemium service. On the free plan, each workspace you set up (and yes, you can set up multiple workspaces) can contain up to 500 items across all files (mindmaps, project plans, flowcharts and so on) contained within that workspace, and you get 100 AI actions per month. If you need more, you can upgrade a workspace for US$10 per month for unlimited items and 2000 monthly AI actions.

Real-life example of a mindmap outline and list of sources that I set up in Whimsical while writing for a recent client. For anyone wondering, this

MICROSOFT WORD – words, words, words

The big kahuna of the word processing scene, Microsoft Word is a staple in writing circles worldwide. Whether you’re a blogger, copywriter, journalist or work in – let’s face it – practically any major company anywhere in the world, Microsoft Word will be your go-to word processing tool.

If blogging is a side hustle for you and you use Microsoft Word in your day job, chances are you’ll be entitled to install a copy of the whole Microsoft 365 (what used to be Office 365) suite on your home computer. Just check in with your employer first, to see if that option is available to you.

If you don’t have access to Microsoft 365 through work, or if you want your own cloud storage along with your Microsoft 365 copy, check out the personal and family plans over at Microsoft.

Recently, Microsoft included the new-ish functionality Editor in most of its Microsoft 365 apps including Word. Editor is Microsoft’s answer to Grammarly and ProWritingAid. We’ll talk more about Editor in the ‘spelling, grammar and style’ section below.

GOOGLE DOCS – google, google… words

For many writers, Google Docs is one of the go-to writing tools for creating and collaborating on documents. With lots of useful writing features and the ability to export your Google Docs to any number of file formats, this is a great option if you’re on a limited budget and you can’t get Microsoft 365 through your employer.

Google Docs is also the tool of choice for many writers when it comes to collaborating on documents.

If you have an account with Google, you already have access to Google Docs along with 15 gigabytes of free storage. If you don’t, you can set up a Google account now, for free.

SCRIVENER – more than words!

This one’s is for writing nerds. Like me! Clocking in at US$49 for a licence (with student discounts available), Scrivener might not be for everyone. But for the amount of word processing power it delivers, this is an insanely good price.

Scrivener can be described as Word meets OneNote meets EndNote meets your filing cabinet with a learning curve to match its complexity.

That learning curve can put aspiring writers off ever getting started, but if you persist you will have one writing app to rule them all. Scrivener lets you write anything from blog posts to novels to movie scripts. It’ll keep all of your research together in one easy to find place. (Seriously, you can store URLs, documents, notes, practically any sort of file in your Scrivener research sections.)

And there’s lots of tools inside of Scrivener that can be useful for writers of all flavours. (Going slightly off the blogging track here, but how does a fictional character name generator sound? Or the ability to compile that novel you’ve been working on into a ready-to-go ebook format or beautifully formatted PDF?)

I’ve been using Scrivener for a couple of years now, and it’s great. If you want to take it out for a spin, get a free Scrivener trial at Literature and Latte.

Freelance editing tools

HEMINGWAY APP – when you use too many words

Ernest Hemingway is a GOAT! One of the greatest authors of all time! Not all of his writing has aged all that well. (Keep in mind, his writing career spanned the 1920s to 1950s, when certain norms and values were a bit different.) But, his writing style is still fantastic!

By style, I’m thinking short sentences, simple word, direct and active language, minimal adverbs (avoiding most words ending in -ly) and so on. Surely, we bloggers could do with writing a bit more like Ernest Hemingway to make life simpler for our readers.

Enter the Hemingway Editor, also known as the Hemingway App. It’s one of the simplest and best free online writing tools I’ve come across, and it’ll have you writing in the style of Hemingway in no time. The Hemingway Editor checks that you’re not overusing adverbs and passive voice, and it tells you which sentences, phrases and even words could be made simpler.

It also does a quick calculation of how readable your content is by giving it a grade level. That grade level corresponds to years of schooling. So a grade level of six means a sixth-grader should be able to read it. Did you get a grade level of 15 on your text? That’s university graduate stuff. As an insider tip, aim for a grade level of no more than seven for general blog content.

Check out the Hemingway Editor to start writing like a GOAT right now.

GRAMMARLY – smarter words

Grammarly is like the Hemingway Editor on AI-powered steroids. It integrates into practically every writing tool you could possibly want (except Scrivener) to keep check of your writing projects.

It’s great for practically all types of writing you would do in daily life, including emails, short-form content, business documents, documentation and much more.

The free Grammarly plan checks for spelling, grammar and punctuation. It also helps you with clarity by pulling you up when youre writing is not concise. And, it’ll assess your text for tone, telling you whether you sound formal, worried, forceful, excited an any other number of things.

Grammarly’s paid premium plan takes it up a few notches, adding suggestions for how to adjust your tone. It also scrutinises your choice of words, fluency, clarity and much more.

A free plagiarism checker will tell you whether your text contains similarities to writing found online or in academic papers. For paying customers, the plagiarism detector will also highlight which passages of text may be considered plagiarism.

The free plan will be more than enough for many writers, and if you think you need more, you can trial Grammarly Premium risk free to improve your blog right now.

There’s one type of writing where Grammarly doesn’t necessarily shine. And that’s for long-form content. As in, very long-form content like novels. For that, we recommend ProWritingAid.

PROWRITINGAID – for the smarter writer

As writing tools go, ProWritingAid is to authors what Grammarly is to copywriters. Just like Grammarly, ProWritingAid is an AI-powered grammar checker and text editor that integrates into more or less every writing tool you could possibly want. Including Scrivener (and Word, Google Docs, Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari).

ProWritingAid is my editing software of choice. The reason being said integration with Scrivener. I’m a bit of an aspiring author, you see, so by integrating with Scrivener, ProWritingAid can keep an eye on my book writing.

With ProWritingAid, you will get somewhere in the vicinity of 20 different tools to improve your writing, picking apart everything from your writing style and grammar to pacing, dialogue tags, alliteration and consistency.

A really cool feature, which I love, is that ProWritingAid will compare your writing style to that of world famous authors and copywriters like JK Rowling, Stephen King and Seth Godin and show you how you can write more (or less) like them.

The free version of ProWritingAid is word-count limited and will only work in your browser, while the paid version removes the word count limit, gives you access to integrations for Scrivener, Word and Google Docs, and you get access to the ProWritingAid writers resource library.

As a paying customer, you also get a few credits towards ProWritingAid’s plagiarism tool, which checks for similarities in your writing against online and offline content, including academic papers. But, if you’re a frequent user of that functionality you will need to pay anywhere between US$1 and US$0.20 per check, depending on how many credits you purchase at a time.

Highly recommended!

ProWritingAid is my editing software of choice. It gives you more than 20 different tools to improve your writing, picking apart everything from your writing style and grammar to pacing, dialogue tags, alliteration and consistency.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

MICROSOFT EDITOR – for stingy writers

Is Microsoft Editor the Grammarly killer? I’m sure Microsoft hopes it is… To be honest, it probably isn’t. But, it’s included with Microsoft 365 products (such as Word and PowerPoint), so if you’re already a card carrying member of that club, then you might not need to join the Grammarly or ProWritingAid crowd as well.

Microsoft Editor runs a bunch of checks on your writing, such as spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, formality, punctuation and so on. It will adapt the checks depending on whether you’re putting together a casual, formal or professional piece of text.

There’s even a free similarity checker, which is a plagiarism detector of sorts that checks if your writing is similar to any online sources that Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, can find.

But how do I find clients?

Clients for your freelance writing business are everywhere – you just need to know where to look. One of the best places to find clients quickly is Fiverr.

Check out how I got my first clients on Fiverr by doing everything ‘wrong’.


Are you looking for top-quality freelancers to take on a project?

Definitely check out Fiverr! As both a Fiverr buyer and a certified Fiverr Pro copywriter, I can personally recommend this platform for anything relating to writing, marketing, research, coding, design, graphics, animation, video and much more!

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

7 ways to speed up Windows

Is your computer running slow? Here are 7 ways to speed up Windows 11. (And yes, a lot of these tips will also work on Windows 10 or even Windows 8, although results may vary.)

Disk Cleanup

We’ll start off easy, with Disk Cleanup. This is a built-in Windows tool that identifies and removes unnecessary files. This will help free up hard disk space and could help speed things up if your hard drive is nearly full.

Hit the windows or start button and type “Disk Cleanup”. Select the types of files you want to delete and hit “OK.” If you want to clear up even more space, check out the “Clean up system files” option to get rid of things like old Windows update files.

Get rid of unused apps

Unused apps can take up lots of storage space and system resources, and that can cause your computer to slow down. So if you don’t use them, get rid of them. Hit the start button, type add or remove and open Add or remove programs. Select the programs you want to remove, one at a time, and hit “Uninstall.”

Disable Unnecessary Start-up Programs

Apps that start when you log into Windows will sit in the background and take up system resources. Any apps that you don’t need to start when you turn on your computer, disable them. You can still start them when you need them, it might just take a few more seconds.

Right click the task bar and select task manager. Go to the “Start-up” tab and check the list of startup apps. Disable any apps that are not necessary, paying particular attention to the ones marked as having a high impact.

Disable Unnecessary Visual Effects

Windows 11 may feel slow because of all of the visual effects that make it look fancy. And these effects take up system resources, meaning they can also cause Windows to work slower.

To speed things up, disable unnecessary visual effects. To disable them, go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings. In the Performance settings window, click the Visual Effects tab and select “Adjust for best performance.”

We recommend turning these four effects back on.

  • Show shadows under windows
  • Show thumbnails instead of icons
  • Show windows contents while dragging
  • Smooth edges of screen fonts

Update Your Drivers

Outdated drivers can cause your system to run slow. To check if any of your drivers need to be updated, hit start and type device manager.

In device manager, Right-click on any device with an exclamation mark next to it and select “Update Driver Software.”

Using SFC to speed up Windows

System File Checker or SFC is a built-in Windows tool that can help you scan your system for any corrupted or missing files and repair them.

To use SFC, Windows, type “Command Prompt,” and select “Run as administrator.”

Type in

sfc /scannow

But be careful! Anytime you choose to run something as an administrator you can do damage to your system by doing the wrong thing. So we recommend double-checking whatever a random website tells you to do in here before you go ahead and actually do it.

This command will scan your system for corrupt and missing files and try to fix them for you. Once the process is finished, you should see a message saying that the operation was successful.

Using DISM to speed up Windows

Windows 11 has a built-in tool called DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management). This tool can help you repair any corrupt system files and get your computer running better.

To use DISM, open an elevated Command Prompt window. To do this, press the Windows key, type “Command Prompt,” right-click on the Command Prompt icon, and select “Run as administrator.”

And once again, make sure you know what you’re doing when you run command prompt as an administrator.

Once the Command Prompt window is open, type:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

This command will scan for more corrupt files and attempt to repair them. Once the process is finished, you should see a message saying that the operation was successful. And, if anything needs repairing, your computer may run some updates next time you restart.

Learn more about SFC and DISM

Want to go in-depth about how SFC and DISM help speed up your Windows computer? Check this article out!

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Was this helpful? If you want to stay up to date with the latest tips and tricks for speeding up Windows 11, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel! We post regular videos with new and interesting ways to make your Windows 11 experience faster and more efficient. So don’t miss out – subscribe now and start speeding up your Windows 11 computer!

Make your own LEGO advent calendar in 2024 with these tiny LEGO gifts

Do you have a LEGO fan in your household? Impress and surprise them this December with a unique, homemade LEGO advent calendar.

Smaller LEGO products are perfect for making your own advent calendar, and here’s a great selection of minifigs and tiny sets to help count down the days until Christmas.

Heads up! We may earn a commission for any products or services purchased via links in this post. The money we make through these links helps keep the lights on and the wheels turning. Thanks for supporting us!

Perfect Minifigures for your LEGO advent calendar

Limited edition
Batman LEGO minifigs - set of four blind bags

This set of four surprise LEGO Batman minifigs is perfect if you have a LEGO fan at home that also happens to like Batman.

Released in 2018, this is a limited series of 20 minifigs, so you have to get in quick...

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
Lego minifigures series 23 - six secret packs

Knock over six days of advent with this set of six secret minifigures.

These mystery LEGO minifigures make for great surprises leading up to Christmas

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Yes please!
Disney series 2 - LEGO minifigures - four blind bags

We're Disney fans here at Pixamoo, so if anybody were to make an advent calendar for us... Hint hint, nudge nudge.

This set of four random surprise LEGO minifigure bags is perfect if you're making a LEGO advent calendar for Disney fans.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
For complete finishers
Minifigures series 22 - complete set!

There's nothing better for collectors and complete finishers than to have a complete set of... Stuff!

Presenting the complete set of 12 minifigures making up series 22. The set includes robot inventor, chili girl, forest spirit, wheelchair racer and many others.

Being a complete set, there's only a few available, so get in quickly.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

LEGO essential

Super useful
LEGO brick separator tool

Our little LEGO world got turned upside down once we learnt about the LEGO brick separater tool.

Apparently it's been around since 1990, but we only found out about it in the 2010s. Living under a rock much?

Anyways, this tool is super useful for taking apart sets and separating bricks that are stuck together. Oh, and it fits perfectly in an advent calendar.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Bags of LEGO fun

Little bags of bricks
LEGO City 30570 Wildlife Rescue Hovercraft

Did you know it takes just 35 pieces to build a LEGO hovercraft?

It's all in the bag here. And the bag is a perfect size to put in the advent calendar.

What a great way to start your advent morning, putting together a little LEGO CITY set.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
LEGO 853902 creative bag charm

Just 17 pieces, and almost limitless combinations for this build-your-own bag charm.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
I feel the need...
LEGO Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro 30434

...the need for LEGO Speed Champions! In a bag!

This 97-piece set is great for car and LEGO enthusiasts.

And that bag fits perfectly in the calendar.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
LEGO Harry Potter and Hedwig 30420

Light up their advent morning with a 27-piece Harry Potter set in a bag.

It's magical!

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Pow! Bam!
LEGO DC Super Hero Girls 30546

Krypto saves the day in this DC Super Hero Girls set.

55 pieces of action packed fun, including a Krypto minifig, and perfect for the advent calendar.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
Nearly there!
LEGO Creator Santa Claus 30580

Sixty-nine pieces of Christmas feeling coming your way with this LEGO Creator Santa Claus set.

Great for the second last day of the advent calendar, perhaps?

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

And now for the big one…

Round out the advent calendar with a small LEGO box set on the last day. I mean, it’s Christmas! It only happens once … a year!

Lets-a go!
LEGO Super Mario buildable character packs 71410

Buildable Super Mario characters. Eight to collect.

Finish up the advent calendar with a bang.

Mamma Mia!

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Christmas, it is!
Tiny LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 75295

Star Wars fans will love this tiny little Millennium Falcon.

101 pieces including a Han Solo minifig.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
LEGO City Police Car 60312

A great, classic LEGO theme - cops and robbers.

This 94-piece set comes with a police minifig and an awesome looking cop car.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

How to cancel automatic payments in your PayPal Business account


If you have a PayPal business account, you might be struggling if you need to cancel a subscription or automatic payment.

The problem is, that the way to do this is different than personal PayPal accounts, so the instructions you find by googling this probably won’t match what you’re seeing in your PayPal account.

To keep track of your personal finances, it’s always good to review any automatic payments coming out of your accounts, including through PayPal.

Heads up! We may earn a commission for any products or services purchased via links in this post. The money we make through these links helps keep the lights on and the wheels turning. Thanks for supporting us!

To cancel an automatic payment agreement from within your PayPal Business account:

  1. Hover over your profile name in the top-right corner, then click on account settings.
  2. From here, click on money, bank accounts and cards in the left-hand menu under business profile.
  3. Then, scroll down until you find automatic payments towards the bottom of the page, and click on manage automatic payments.
  4. By default, you will only see about eight automatic payments, so if you don’t see the one you want to cancel, then just click the see more button.
  5. Click on the payment you would like to cancel. Over on the right, you’ll see that this payment is active. To remove it, click the cancel button.
  6. Next confirm that you actually do want to cancel this payment, and that’s it.

How about something a bit different?


As an expat in Australia, yours truly has used Wise for years to make low-cost international transfers and receive business payments from overseas.

Wise works in 175 countries and 50 currencies. You get your very own spending card - either physical or digital or both - and you can set up actual bank accounts in multiple countries to facilitate easy payments between you, your suppliers and your customers.

Take on the world with Wise — the universal account for sending, spending, and receiving money like a local.

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How to make money on Fiverr by doing everything ‘wrong’


Here’s how I made my first few thousand dollars as a copywriter on Fiverr by doing everything ‘wrong’.

Heads up! We may earn a commission for any products or services purchased via links in this post. The money we make through these links helps keep the lights on and the wheels turning. Thanks for supporting us!

High Fiverr

At the start of 2021, I put up a couple of gigs on Fiverr to write photography and technology content for people. Not your salesy copywriting kind of stuff, but proper decent articles and blog content.

I spent hours putting together the gigs, designing thumbnails, writing my Fiverr profile, deciding on pricing, putting together FAQs and more.

Then I hit the big, green publish button and… Drumroll… Nothing!

For a couple of months, nothing happened. I started to forget about Fiverr.

Then one morning, while I was out sailing, there was an unfamiliar sound from my phone.

Somebody on Fiverr wanted… To send me a file.

Probably one that was full of malware, because about one minute later the message disappeared into oblivion, as if it had never been right there on my phone screen.

Another month passed, then that same, somewhat unfamiliar sound from my phone.

Another malware file?

No… Somebody wanted me to write an article about a photography competition for a very well-known photography blog.

A scam for sure.

So I did what every vigilant Fiverr wannabe does (at least what I think they should, in my jaded, cynical mind): I unleashed the cyberhounds to dig up information on this guy.

In other words, I googled him.

Highly recommended!

ProWritingAid is my editing software of choice. It gives you more than 20 different tools to improve your writing, picking apart everything from your writing style and grammar to pacing, dialogue tags, alliteration and consistency.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

And sure enough, there was nothing that seemed to connect him to said really big photography website. So I did the next best thing: I asked him where he fit in with that website.

Turns out my spidey senses got all tingly over nothing, as he was in fact the owner of an agency that provides sponsored content to various big-name websites.

I took on the job, and a couple of weeks later the post I wrote was online on said website, with the byline of… “Sponsored”.

The joys of ghost writing.

Whatever I did, the client was happy, and a year later I’ve written 19 posts for him, which are published under various bylines on two big-name photography websites and another big website for creatives and content creators.

I’ve had the pleasure of writing photography content for three other clients as well, and have dipped my toes writing copy for a legal industry recruitment firm and various software outfits.

And importantly, I’ve been able to net some $$$$ (that’s in the mid-four digits) from my writing, other than from The Man.

Mid-four digits in a year isn’t all that impressive compared with what some Fiverr freelancers pull in. But I’m happy, as I wouldn’t have had those four digits otherwise.


Are you looking for top-quality freelancers to take on a project?

Definitely check out Fiverr! As both a Fiverr buyer and a certified Fiverr Pro copywriter, I can personally recommend this platform for anything relating to writing, marketing, research, coding, design, graphics, animation, video and much more!

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

How I made money writing on Fiverr

Please don’t try this at home, kids…

The way I went about making money from my writing on Fiverr is completely contrary to almost every recommended method out there.

Long story short, conventional wisdom dictates you should set your prices super low to the point where you’re working for almost free. The idea is that nobody is going to take a chance on you if you are a newbie freelancer with no reviews and no portfolio to show for.

After you’ve worked almost for free and netted a few good reviews, you should start slowly increasing your prices to what your services are actually worth.

And what did I do?

I published two gigs offering writing services in the niches of photography and technology. But instead of selling my services for $5 (the minimum price you can set), I started out offering 700 words for $65.

My first Fiverr gig
My first Fiverr gig


My theory is you should set your prices at what you believe you’re worth and then put together a kick-butt profile to convince your clients you’re the right person for the job.

Was I worried about missing out on lots of jobs by setting my prices too high?

No… Because:

  • I set my prices at what a junior copywriter in the US should normally be able to charge (nevermind I’m based in Australia, where copywriters charge wayyy more). Fiverr seems to have more potential clients from the US than anywhere else, so I figured this was a fair rate.
  • I’d much rather do one job and deal with one client for $65 rather than doing 13 jobs for 13 clients at $5 each. Just imagine the administrative overhead of that!
  • Oh, and my intuition told me that by setting my prices higher than your average upstart Fiverr writer, I’d avoid most PITA (Pain In The bAckside) clients who are looking for 3000 words of god-level quality content for $5 with unlimited rounds of revisions and rewrites and constantly changing requirements. (Hey, I did say I have a jaded, cynical mind – at least when it comes to freelancing.) 😁

And look… It actually seems to be working.

With 34 orders under my belt and now as a verified Fiverr Pro copywriter, the clients I have worked with have been nothing short of fantastic.

Every single one of them has provided clear requirements and been quick to respond whenever I needed to clarify something. None of them (possibly with the exception of one) have requested any out-of-scope changes to their copy, and there’s never once been any attempt at wiggling out of actually having to pay for the finished product.

So, how much do I charge?

As mentioned, I started out on Fiverr by charging about US$65 for 700 words and about eight cent per word thereafter.

As the orders rolled in and the work piled up a bit, I started increasing my rates.

I tried $125 for 700 words, but that $100+ starter price seemed to put a stop to new orders, so I dropped it down to $90 for the same word count. The lower price point helped get the orders rolling back in again.

Over time, I settled at about $0.15 per word, starting at $90 for 600 words.

The reason I didn’t put my starting price lower is the admin overhead.

It doesn’t really matter how long the text you’re writing is… There’s usually always about 45 minutes of admin per job, so it was not really worth it for me to ‘get out of bed’ for anything less than $90 per job.

Once I got approved as a Fiverr Pro copywriter, I upped my rates quite considerably. I started my Pro streak charging $0.25 per word, and currently I’m aiming for between $0.40 and $0.50 per word starting at $230 (or a bit more or less, depending on how busy I am).

Mind you, I’m not as concerned with the per-word price as I am with my hourly rates… Whenever I price up a job, I currently aim for an hourly rate of US$60 before Fiverr takes its 20% cut, although I’m hoping to get to US$100 per hour eventually – through a combination of higher cost per word and actually working faster.

By focusing on an hourly rate, I’m able to charge slightly less for easy jobs and repeat clients, where I know I can get through the work quickly.

Keeps everyone happy.

Why am I telling you this?

I’m not one to brag and show off. That’s not what this is.

What I wanted to show you is that if you present well on a freelancing site like Fiverr and deliver excellent copy, you should not be afraid of charging accordingly.

You may not necessarily want to do what I did and insist on getting paid fairly from the get go. But this strategy has saved me a lot of headaches in not having to deal with dodgy clients. And I’ve always been happy to put in the hours because I feel my work is being valued and I’m getting paid a fair rate.

So in short… Believe in yourself and value your writing. If you don’t, nobody will!

PS: My Fiverr client allowed me to link to the articles in the text above for portfolio purposes. Pro tip… Never, ever do that for ghostwritten content unless your client has specifically approved it.

PPS: Check out my Fiverr profile! 😁

PPPS: In my next copywriting post, I’ll share my workflow including which tools I use. Stay tuned!



Are you looking for top-quality freelancers to take on a project?

Definitely check out Fiverr! As both a Fiverr buyer and a certified Fiverr Pro copywriter, I can personally recommend this platform for anything relating to writing, marketing, research, coding, design, graphics, animation, video and much more!

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Business tools for freelance writers

Notion – the everything app (No, seriously!)

This is going to sound like I’m fangirling… And I am! Except that I’m male, so I’m probably fanboying actually. Anyways, here goes:

Notion has made such a huge difference to both my professional and personal lives. It’s helped me run my freelance business, manage publishing workflows for my websites and YouTube channels, keep home renovations on track, plan an international move, sell stuff on Ebay, write books… No, seriously! It’s. That. Good!

And it’s free!

Notion lets you build databases from scratch. But it doesn’t feel like you’re building databases. You’re building things like project planners, wikis, shopping lists by typing in a few things like /table or /timeline, and then magic happens.

There’s a learning curve with Notion. A rather steep one, in fact. But if you’ve ever worked with any sort of database, Atlassian tools like Jira and Confluence, or Microsoft Planner, then you’ll be right at home in Notion. And if you haven’t there are tonnes of YouTube tutorials to help you get started.

Did I mention Notion is really good? And free?

Yep, it’s free! Well, at least as long as you’re not after fancy features like 100 guest collaborators (you can work with 10 collaborators on the free plan), unlimited file size uploads (free plan limit is 5 megabytes per file) and syncing with lots of other tools like Jira, GitHub and Asana (you can sync with one external database for free).

If you’re after the fancy features, plans start from US$8 per user per month.


As writing tools go, ProWritingAid is to authors what Grammarly is to copywriters. Just like Grammarly, ProWritingAid is an AI-powered grammar checker and text editor that integrates into more or less every writing tool you could possibly want. Including Scrivener (and Word, Google Docs, Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari).

ProWritingAid is my editing software of choice. The reason being said integration with Scrivener. I’m a bit of an aspiring author, you see, so by integrating with Scrivener, ProWritingAid can keep an eye on my book writing.

With ProWritingAid, you will get somewhere in the vicinity of 20 different tools to improve your writing, picking apart everything from your writing style and grammar to pacing, dialogue tags, alliteration and consistency.

A really cool feature, which I love, is that ProWritingAid will compare your writing style to that of world famous authors and copywriters like JK Rowling, Stephen King and Seth Godin and show you how you can write more (or less) like them.

The free version of ProWritingAid is word-count limited and will only work in your browser, while the paid version removes the word count limit, gives you access to integrations for Scrivener, Word and Google Docs, and you get access to the ProWritingAid writers resource library.

As a paying customer, you also get a few credits towards ProWritingAid’s plagiarism tool, which checks for similarities in your writing against online and offline content, including academic papers. But, if you’re a frequent user of that functionality you will need to pay anywhere between US$1 and US$0.20 per check, depending on how many credits you purchase at a time.

Even more tools!

We’ve released an ultimate guide to freelance writing business tools, showing you all the tools you need to help run your writing business and improve your craft.

Or, check out these writing tools if you’re just after something to help you with writing and you’re not too worried about the business side of things.

How to change EXCEL column labels to numbers and back to letters again


In this quick one-minute tutorial, I show you how to switch between the R1C1 and A1 formats in Excel.

Sometimes you may get an Excel spreadsheet where the columns are labeled with numbers instead of letters, and the formula will look different as a result. Where columns are labeled with numbers, we call that the R1C1 reference style.

When columns are labeled with numbers, we call that the A1 reference style.

There’s no real difference in what you can do with either R1C1 or A1, but if you’re used to working with one format or the other, it’s good to know how to switch between them in case you get a spreadsheet set to the format you don’t normally work with.